Individual Testimonial July 2024 This may not mean much to you but I finally got over my fear of diving (head first as opposed to jumping in feet first) for the first time in at least 30 years thanks to the breath work I’ve been doing under the guidance of possibly one of the most gifted and wise healers I have ever had the honor of meeting. The breakthrough didn’t stop there and I have been SHOWERED with blessings since starting her practice. Although I am both grateful beyond measure and completely mesmerized by her, she is not the reason this process has been working so brilliantly for me. I’m the reason. On this wondrous trip called Life, a new level has been unlocked which has made it possible for me to meet her and seek her guidance. But I’m the one doing the work. The Teacher appeared precisely when the student was ready. I want the same for you. This won’t speak to everyone but if it speaks to YOU, please reach out to her. This practice has been researched and it’s capable of accomplishing in an impossibly short period what not even years of talk therapy can achieve. The practice helps with such conditions as: ~ anxiety ~ addiction ~ depression ~ lack of motivation ~ lack of self confidence ~ fears and phobias ~ lack of direction in life ~ negativity And issues you may not even know needed addressing! Ryna Arsho Karine Arshakyan has learned from such greats as Dr Joe Dispenza and Wim Hoff. She has done it all and plans to do more of it. She lives her life the way she wants to and makes me want to do the same. She spreads beauty and love wherever she goes. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this gift of meeting and working with her but it must have been something extra special. Because she’s always traveling the world and facilitating miracles, she’a bit difficult to “book” but if you are ready to work on yourself, it will happen for you. Her number is on her website: Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Karine! 💗🙏 I cannot wait for more! ✨